Friday 7 April 2017

DOCUMENTARY: Update with Helen

We had a chat with Helen to see what luck we had so far and unfortunately we had none. Helen helped us find some more contacts on the KickItOut website - Stonewall FC, Pride Sports (already emailed in previous post and heard nothing) and the Gay Football Supporters' Network. After the session I got onto the website to look for a contact and Jack tried to phone them. Again, no luck but Jack is going to keep trying over the Easter holidays. 

- Helen also said we need to follow each new lead and keep going with old leads so they don't forget about us
- Look into Graeme Le Saux
- Football Vs Homophobia website again
- Rainbow Laces campaign
- Stonewall - - Ben Briggs

After the session I also emailed the Stonewall contact but again have heard nothing so far. We are determined to keep going though and we will have a representative to interview. 

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