Thursday, 21 September 2017

DIGITAL NEWS: (Workshop) Panasonic DVX 200

Friday was an opportunity to try out the new 4K cameras that came into the studios for our course. This was exciting as these cameras are equipment which we haven't used before and they have a set of new features, such shooting in 4K, VFR (variable frame rate) for shooting in slow motion and advanced image stabilisation. We all got a play with the cameras to find the basic skills - SWEFF (sound, white balance, exposure, focus and framing). We also needed to find out how to digitise our footage because that was different from the other cameras we've used in the previous projects.

After looking at the cameras and their new settings and buttons we were unable to have a lot of time filming with them but we did try a slow motion shot using the VFR setting; Alex shot it at 120 FPS/1080p of Katie throwing a ball in the are which looked really impressive in the slo-mo (above). It was interesting to see the difference between these new cameras and the Sony EX cameras we used last year, especially in the layout. The Panasonic cameras will help us make higher quality videos and I am very much looking forward to trying out these cameras again and maybe using them in my future projects.

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