Wednesday, 24 October 2018

PRE-PRODUCTION: Learning Agreement

Previously to this tutorial, we sent Simon a table highlighting our different roles for the pre-production package. We had a tutorial with him deciding whether our jobs were appropriate for our roles in the film.

- Each of our roles are appropriate for our specific jobs.

- I need to make my producer statement very detailed. Talking about my creative overview and why I chose the choices I did throughout the pre-production of VET-MAN.

- I am the script editor, therefore, I need to give feedback to each script and make sure Alex progresses well through each draft. I need to ensure everything can be done practically and the story stays on topic and follows our tone.

- Biggest part of budget will be the food. As we will be filming between January and March we will be filming in the cold, therefore, we will need to serve our cast hot food, such as soup, teas and coffee etc, and quick hot meals, rather than sandwiches and crisps. 

As a result of this tutorial, I now know my tasks that I will be assessed on for this unit:
- Budget / fund raising 
- Schedule / call sheets
- Advertising and marketing 
- Crew
- Locations
- Organising auditions
- Costumes
- Props
- Producer statement 

I am happy with this agreement and I understand that I will be assessed on these for this unit.

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