Tuesday 2 May 2017

DOCUMENTARY: Scheduling & GFSN Questions

WE GOT THROUGH TO THE GFSN. We are very excited to say we have planned to meet a representative from the network on Monday. We will look over the questions and create more to make sure we are set for Monday as we will not have this chance again. 

Callum and myself planned out the shoot days and the order in which we want the filming and post-production days to happen in order to finish for the deadline. 

Thursday 4th May (AM/PM)
- Carls' interview 
- Shots of him getting ready and travelling to the training session 
- Trying out the session 
- After training session interview

Sunday 7th May (AM)
- Filming the Sunday League football match
- Location shots 
- James' interview
- Jasons' interview

Monday 8th May (PM)
- Location shots
- Interview with the GFSN - 5pm

- Wednesday 10th May
- Thursday 11th May
- Friday 12th May

Updated questions for the GFSN
I looked over the questions and researched more into the GFSN so we had appropriate questions for the representative. I also wanted to make sure he knew we knew what the network was about and that we understood what they do to prevent homophobia in football. Anything the representative doesn't say we will cover in a voice over as our style is going to be a 'voice of God' type documentary. The V.O will also break up the interview a bit more. 

Below are our final questions:

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