Monday, 3 December 2018

PRE-PRODUCTION: Pre-production Schedule 4

From pre-production schedule 3, the only thing that changed in terms of scripting was the amount of drafts. Alex managed to complete 6 script drafts but they the last one was completed a week later than I scheduled before, therefore, the script draft 6/7 had to be moved to the week before the deadline. 

The only thing that changed for locations was the place we carried out test shoot 3. In the previous schedule I had established that we were going to have a third test shoot but it was only in the lecture room. This changed after I got in contact with the pub and asked to conduct a test shoot there. This gives us an opportunity to see how the lighting is in the pub as from my research into The Bell Inn I found that it was dimly lit. As a result of this, we knew we needed lighting for this shoot. 

I had arranged a call back for the final cast however 3 out of the 5 cast members weren't able to make the date we had arranged. I couldn't rearrange the call back because we were getting closer to the end of the project. Nevertheless, I have emailed the cast for a rehearsal in January. I sorted it now so I had time to rearrange the date if cast members couldn't make it.

The remaining aspects of production stayed the same. This was good for the final schedule because if they were still changing then I don't think we would have got everything completed. We ended up sticking with 3 test shoots and I feel like this was enough. We experimented with a few different pieces of equipment and tested a prop during these so they were worthwhile. The budget also stayed the same in terms of putting out the fundraiser and creating a rough amount. However, the actual budget changed every time the script changed as there were more props added and some taken away, clothing changed and the amount of cast changed in some of the scenes as well.

Pre-production schedule 4:

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