Wednesday 8 March 2017

DOCUMENTARY: Ideas Lab with Zoe Sale

CURIOSITY - follow up on things which interest you

Anniversaries - good place to start

'Dreams of a Life' 

- Contacts - pretty obvious - keep a in book

Other media
- look in papers that the rest of the media don't read. Read the letters pages. Listen to talk radio

'The School That Turned Chinese'
- Documentary which follows Chinese teachers teaching English pupils the Chinese school life
- 10 hour days
- Exercise
- Repetition and discipline is very important

Get behind the headlines - scoop up all the key interviewees about a seminal moment. Norma Percy's films take a candid look at monumental events once the dust has settled - in some cases quite literally

Browse the best seller list - what are people reading for pleasure? Or what are they watching online?

'Ted Talks'
American academic Robert Neuwirth who wrote a book called "The Stealth of Nations" all about the informal economy. 

'Slum Survivors
- Appeals to a younger audience
- Plays on our fears - could we cope?
- Challenges people
- Characters and stories are the most important thing

Brainstorm with energetic people - say and think the unsayable - in CA brainstorms we pretend to be someone else

Location, location, location - come up with interesting location and generate an idea or film through that - a gym in a town beset with weight problems for example. A BBC2 series used Victoria Bus Station as a focal point to look into the trials and tribulations of economic migrants. Or the award winning 'Secret History of our Streets' examined social change through a particular postcode. 


Go digital - whether it is Google advanced search, Twitter, Facebook and social media can help you to source original stories

But proceed with caution - you need to ensure that it's genuine and the people are authentic

Amazing Footage - user generated or intimate archive - the internet now has a huge range of 'tools' that can help you find content

A good title or a well worn format

Get a life - don't sit in front of a computer, go for a walk - 'Come Dine With Me' was come up with from someone sitting on a toilet

Hemmingway and the tale of the six word story - 'For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn'
- makes people think there is a story there - maybe people had a baby then didn't want one? Something happened to the baby?

A big question/s - What is it in your story that is going to leave the audience in anticipation, what is it that they will what to find out?

The hook - audience need to want to commit their time to it.

A strong central character/s - Eyewitness or personal testimony. Whose story is it? Who is the character or characters?

Universal themes/relatable - every great story has to either affect your mind, heart or wallet. Does your story make the audience happy or angry or play on our fears?

A strong narrative and structure - a beginning middle and end and sustain the duration - normally you need some conflict, a decision to be made, a turning point. 

The best stories are simply told with great characters, human emotion and beautiful pictures.

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