Sunday 8 October 2017

DIGITAL NEWS: Final Contributors

After trying to contact many different people, turning down willing volunteers and not being able arrange interviews with the right people, we think we've got all the contributors that we need to turn our idea into a proper news programme:

Studio presenter: Alex Hargood

Alex from the beginning said that he would be happy to be the studio presenter. He also got a little time to practice when we did the mock news production with the green screen. He did really well then and enjoyed it so we were all very happy with this decision.

Live presenter: Katie Joslin
We originally wanted to use someone from outside UCA as it's all experience in working with different people and we might have been able to find someone who has experience in presenting. However, we could find the right person so Katie said that she was happy to be the presenter for the live section. Katie is used to being on camera on her YouTube channel so we were very happy with this decision also.

Package presenter: Jason Efstathiou

We all think that Jason is best suited for this part because he is comfortable being on camera and has a good and fun personality which is ideal for our fun/quirky news channel.

Interviewee: John Harris
When we met up with John we knew he was great for our interviewee, he knew so much about the farm and had a lot to say. He said that he was also comfortable on camera which will help our live section to go smoothly and hopefully have no problems.

Package: Aidan Robinson-Jones

Aidan has been in some of Alex's films in the past so has experience of being on camera. He is also a good character so we were happy with him being in our package.

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