Thursday 9 November 2017

PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: 100 Objects That Made Kent & Brief

One of the staff from the Guildhall Museum contacted me and she knew I was interested in the '100 Objects That Made Kent' commission. We agreed to have an initial meeting on Monday 13th at the museum. While I'm there it will be a great time to walk around and do a location recce and think of the risks involved with filming at the museum.  

The brief:

Reading the brief gave me a couple of ideas. I like the idea of creating a story from the object research. It's good that they accept any sort of ideas from us and we can be as abstract as we like about it - this gives us the freedom to do whatever we want (within reason).

Looking more into the initial objects I've chosen (these could change once I've seen the exhibition). I am most interested in the Anglo-Saxon silver pennies. I researched into them and then had an idea about doing the history of the English penny and how it's changed. I could feature how they made them, with their tiny details and markings.

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