Tuesday, 14 November 2017

PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: (Lecture) Report Writing

Submission details:
50% - project report. 1500-2000. Double lined spaced
50% - updated R&D journal

Learning outcomes:
- LO1 engage with and critical reflect on a work based learning experience

- LO2 demonstrate a developed knowledge and understanding of professional practice
Understanding how the industry works, how it does its job. How it works.

- LO3 implement appropriate professional skills within an industry context whilst working independently 
Photocopies (risk assessments, shot list etc) at end of report to reference to

- Plan, research then write.
- Focus on research and they need to see a demonstration in the report of your understanding which meets the learning outcomes.
- A piece of industrial analysis regarding the section in which you are working - report can take us through your learning journey. 
- Placing what you've done within the context of the industry as a whole - demonstrate your awareness of this through relevant text and online references to data, analysis and industry expertise. 
- Imagine you are writing a piece of work which will teach someone about the sector and job you have just completed. 
 - This is not a diary but rather a critical reflection on your own experience, together with appropriate industry research and analysis. 

Museum commission 
- Online - purpose is to inform & can be on screens in the museum 
- Educational moving image on television
- Open university type content - e.g. Blue Planet
- Know who I am talking to - members of public/children
- Look at other pieces online used for education - Natural History Museum
- How other people are doing it 
- How we can educate and inform 

- Other smaller museums 
- Bitesize GCSE 
- Open university 
- Public service - marketing up to a point

- Two versions? one for online and one for inside museum
- Widen participation - want more people to visit
- Research the challenges facing museums - problem then find solution
- Made it come alive - feel like the audience is in it
- Identifying reasons behind it 

Structure of report

- Contents page
- Intro - introduction to your work placement - maybe a quote from their website? about company you are working for - 200-250 words?

- Main body - critical reflections. demonstrate your use of appropriate methodology during your placement/commission by referencing methodology from research and providing examples of when and how you have/observed it in practice
- This way you will explore and analyse the 'bigger picture' by researching the sector of the industry your commission is in.
etc. refer to powerpoint on portal

- Conclusions
- Appendixes - risk assessments/graphs etc. (see appendixes 1 etc)
- Sources

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