Tuesday, 14 November 2017

PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Script, Shot List & Storyboard

Below is the script I have put together to get an idea of how the voice over will flow and what visuals and sounds I think would look best with the words. The VO may change in response to Rachel and Steve's feedback but I hope they like what information and research I have started with and it is up to their standards. 

Fade in

Shot of the whole of the spade, on table/against a wall outside. Slowly turning?

V.O – “The Fly Tool is a spade-like cutting object…”
Shot of the Medway River/mud or dirt around it

Waves and water sound effects

V.O – “…used for digging and loading mud from the Medway River onto barges for the cement industry.”
Someone pretending to use the spade.

Background fades to stock footage of the Victorian workers, then working/talking sound effects fade in.

Person using spade then fades out and left with just the stock footage of workers.

V.O – “The spade was mainly used by Victorian manual labourers, who were also called muddies. The need for a strong reliable cement boosted due to the increasing engineering works from the late 18th Century onwards.”
Falling chalk onto a table. Slow motion?
V.O – “In the right proportions, chalk…”
Someone playing with clay /
V.O – “…and clay were used to make the strong cement.”
Someone lighting a match / lighter / lighting the top of an oven

Sound of initial flame

V.O. – “The materials were broken down and fired in a kiln at 900 to 1200 degrees centigrade…”
Stock photo of mill stones? Crushing powder with something else to show the 'ground to a powder' visual?

V.O – “…they were then ground to a powder with mill stones…”
Powder through a sieve. CU/slow mo?

Fade to black

V.O – “…and finally sieved.”
Fade in

The shaft of the tool

V.O. – The Fly Tool has a wooden shaft…”
The grip at the end of the tool, slowly turning

V.O. – “…with a perpendicular top grip.”
The spade shaped end
V.O. – “It is heavily shoed in iron to create a narrow cutting edge.”
The whole tool in shot, slowly turning

Fade out
V.O. – “Apart from the iron feature, the rest of the tool is made from wood and it is 1090mm in length and 122mm wide. The Fly Tool is one of the objects which helped make Kent what it is today.”

Shot list
The shot list is purely for my benefit for when I start filming next Tuesday. This way I will be able to refer back to this table and see how I planned out my shots and what action I want in the shot. These camera shots may change throughout the filming day, as I may make different decisions when the spade is in front of me.

Shot number
Shot type
Description of shot
Using the tool to cut something imaginary

Medway River – waves

MS/CU – Stock photo
Person using spade – fades to Victorian workers at the river

On the chalk when it hits the table (a more creative way of showing chalk than it just placed on a table)

Of clay in someone’s hands?

Ignition of the flame


Stock photo of mill stones? Crushing powder with something else to show the 'ground to a powder' visual?

Powder going through the sieve

The length of the wooden shaft

The top grip, turning slowly?

Iron spade, focus on the detail in the iron and wood

Whole spade, turning slowly

Rough storyboard
I created a storyboard mainly to sent to Rachel and Steve to give them a visual idea of what I am thinking for the film.

Rachel and Steve were happy with the story I decided to go bring to life and were happy with the storyboard. This was a confidence boost with my idea because now I can start planning the shoot days and booking out the equipment. At the moment, I am confident that I will produce a usable and professional video about the tool. 

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