Monday, 12 February 2018

'AS LIVE' PRODUCTION: Mock Production

Mock Production

Helen set us a task of making a mock version of the show in our different groups - production group, two VT groups and Promo groups. My production group chose to do the introduction and Steals of the Season segment for practice because both sections have complicated camera moves and the presenters walk back and fourth from the sofas a lot. At the same time as the mock production we held a VT meeting, because of this we split up and had a producer (Katie), director (Gavin) and PA (Victoria) in the VT meeting and a producer (Me), director (George L) and PA (Jemma) creating the mock production. 

Katie and I decided to write the script for the mock together, because even though the chosen sections are in Katie's half of the show - the other sections aren't fully developed yet which would have made my half too difficult to start writing for.

George and Gavin blocked out the shots and created a shot list. This was very helpful as all the planned shots were there written down in front of the director so we could get straight into rehearsing.

First page of shot list for mock:

During the mock production, Jason, Laura and myself were on the three cameras, George L was blocking the shots and Jemma and Jack were the two presenters. I printed the script for the two sections so they would know what to say and we put numbers on the cameras so they knew which camera to look at.

Catwalk angle

Sofa angle

George and Gavin marked out the catwalk and set the sofas up in one of the lecture rooms and we practiced the camera moving with the presenters. Jason was on camera 1 and was in charge of the wide shots of presenter and model and wide shot of Jack and Jemma sitting on the sofa. Laura was on camera 3 and was in charge of the tilting shots on the outfits, where the graphics will be on screen. I was on camera 2 and was mainly in charge of being the side shot for the catwalk and models, panning Jemma as she walks across and being the close up for Jack and Jemma. 

Camera 2 - 2-shot with television screen in-between presenters
Alex and George W were our models for the mock production (photo below) and they contributed well with whether they liked the outfits they were wearing. Having stand in models also helped us to measure the catwalk to see how big the platform will need to be to fit two people on it. After looking at Alex and George, I think the catwalk could be slightly bigger to make sure the models don't fall off - around 1.7 metres should be a good size.

Mock production practice:

Self-evaluation of mock:

- I thought our practice go went really well. George planned the shots really well and they all worked. George directed the presenters to look at different cameras regularly so we weren't stuck on one camera all the time. Although this worked well, we were quite restricted with the number of cameras, we will have more cameras for the show.

- This mock production was good to see our script put into action. As it is very different writing something to then hearing it being said out loud by someone else.

- Along with the previous point, we were able to see the timings put into action. We scheduled the presenters introduction (before the teaser) for 45 seconds. During this practice we realised this was a long amount of time to talk for and Jack and Jemma were talking nonsense just to fill the gap before we cut to the teaser. We have learnt from this for the script and we are going to reduce the time to maybe 20 seconds, this will also give us more time for interviews and more important parts of the show. 

- When we moved the cameras from the catwalk to the sofas we had to go in front of the other cameras instead of behind because the lecture room wasn't big enough, this is obviously seen on the video but in the rehearsals and broadcast day the camera operators will go around the back of the cameras, and we now know how important this is.

- We saw that the idea of having the camera pan following the presenter over to the catwalk works well. This is a feature we will be keeping for the rehearsals and if it works well, hopefully the live show.

- Gavin and George edited the mock practice. I like how they've left in Georges voice when he is calling the shots, this way we can all see his method and what he plans to do when were rehearsing. This was also good practice for him to get used to calling the shots.

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