Thursday, 8 February 2018

'AS LIVE' PRODUCTION: Promo Team Ideas

Promo ideas

We all had a short meeting with Helen and Jo to see where everyone was at with research and ideas ready for Monday (12th). It was very interesting to hear from the promo group and their idea for the promotional video / trailer which will be released in the lead up to the broadcast date. This was the first time we had heard a researched and fully formed idea from them as I think they have had quite a hard job to think of the trailer.

Trailer / promotional ideas:

1. Model walking down the street in fashion clothes 
- background changes and style either changes or stays the same
- green screen fashion walkaway
- Scorsese flashing transition 

2. Bruce almighty swap clothes in 
- clothes from mannequin appear on someone

3. Stealing a mannequin (i.e. Steal the Style)
- funny and intriguing - interested in the show
- CCTV style shots

After these initial ideas, they decided to merge two together. They chose numbers 1 and 3 to link together which formed their final idea:

A man starts off window shopping and sees an outfit on display and decides he is going to take the outfit but steals the whole mannequin instead and leaves the shop and runs away and then merges into him walking down the street / catwalk with the mannequin outfit on and finishes with graphics (logo).

I really like this idea, it's entertaining and amusing for the viewer which will hopefully make them want to watch the whole 30 minute programme. I can already imagine someone stealing a mannequin and running down the street and it really does fit with our idea of stealing the current seasons style. 

I am looking forward to seeing the mock trailer to see if it will work well enough for us to use in the real trailer / promotional video.

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