Main differences between advertising and marketing
Both platforms reach a targeted audience to promote products or services, but they are very different. Once I know the difference between them, I can put our film on the path to success.
Advertising is any ad which gives a persuasive message to the public. It is only one component of the overall marketing process. Advertising is that part of marketing that involves directly getting the word out about your business, product or service to those you want to reach most. In our case, we want to advertise our new film to an audience of mainly 16-30 year olds. Advertising includes the placement of an ad in mediums such as newspapers, magazines, direct main, television, radio and online. Increasingly, as the world of print advertising shrinks, people are finding more creative ways to show off their product, such as displaying signs on top of taxis. Advertising in general is the most expensive part of all the marketing plans. This is because it involves different parts in order to make it, for example, art and design, ad placement and frequency.
Marketing however, is the systematic planning, implementation and control of a mix of activities intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of products and services. You can think of marketing as a step-by-step process that begins with a unique selling proposition - a short compelling sentence that describes your business. This message then acts as a guiding theme that helps you identify the target audience who are interested in what you are selling (in our case, interesting people in what we are doing - making the film). Marketing as a whole is made up of advertising, market research, media planning, public relations, community relations, customer support and sales strategy.
All marketing elements must work independently but they also must work together towards the bigger goal of one unified marketing campaign with a common message. Marketing can take time to research in order for the plan to be effective.
Before you buy ad space in any format you must conduct your market research to determine who you target audience is and what the best way to reach them is. This might be a social media platform like Instagram or Facebook. Or it may end up that your client is better served by penning a series of traditional print media op-ed columns. Once this is complete, then all the other parts to the marketing plan fall into place.
In order to carry out my market research, I first need to sort my short compelling sentence. I felt that our original top line would be appropriate:
Tim has always dreamed of becoming a vet, but after failing his degree, he resorts to illicit means to keep his dream alive.
According to my research, from this sentence I should be able to tell who my target audience are. We have aimed our show towards an audience of 16-30 year olds because of the type of sitcom we are creating. Our top line, which I made as our short compelling sentence aims for this same age range because it states that he failed his degree. Young adults are likely to go to University over any other age range and stating that he failed his degree can engage these young people, as they know what it feels like to be at University and coming to terms with having to get a 'real job' after their education has finished.
As I have determined that our target age group is definitely 16-30 year olds, it's now time to work out the best platform for VET-MAN. To do this, I started by looking at social media. I researched into demographics for the three most popular sites in my opinion - Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. By doing this I was able to see what age groups used the apps more often.
From Facebook's own statistics, I found that in 2018 the highest number of users are 25 to 34 year olds, which were split equally between men and women with 5.6 million of each gender associated with the social media site. The age range before this, 18 to 24 year olds, weren't far behind at 3.8 million. The older the people in an age group, the lower the user numbers became. To look at it in another way, 88% of Facebook users are aged between 18-29 years old. Already, this can show that advertising on Facebook is a good step forward for our film because the age range from the biggest amount of users near enough matches our target age range.
When people think of Facebook, they think of accessing it on their computer or laptop. Facebook is used by 95.1% of people on their mobile devices, compared with only a 31.8% who use a laptop or computer. This is because people are able to use their phones wherever they are, and at any point in the day.
Now I have the biggest age range of users that are on Facebook, the next thing to look at was when the social media site was most popular during the day. This will help me decide when to upload my adverts and when to post on our VET-MAN page. I found that the highest amount of people of Facebook occurs mid-week between 1 - 3pm. In addition to this, I also found that a Facebook post at 7pm will result in more clicks on average than posing at 8pm. This means that I am more likely to reach more of my target audience at 1 - 3 o'clock in the afternoon, but I will engage with my target audience more at 7 o'clock in the evening. Another stat I found was that engagement is 18% higher on Thursdays and Fridays. I will be able to use this information to my advantage and plan when to update our page and post my adverts.
As well as these, I found a couple of demographics particularly focusing on advertising on Facebook. These included the following:
- Facebook has over 5 million advertisers as of 2017
- 93% of marketers use Facebook advertising regularly
- Images account for 75-90% of Facebook advertising effectivity and performance.
- 20% of Facebook's mobile ad revenue comes from Instagram
My thoughts:
After reading these I can see that Facebook is a good place to start advertising VET-MAN. It caters for our target audience age range and is easily accessible on any common device, particularly mobile phones which everyone has. In terms of what I will advertise, after reading the statistic of 'Images account for 75-90% of Facebook advertising effectivity and performance', I will opt for sharing photos rather than writing posts in order to engage more people. I now know when to post on the social media site - 1 to 3pm if I just want a view on the post but I need to post at 7pm if I want to engage with the target audience, and to get them to click on the page to investigate more into VET-MAN.
As the phrase states, a picture is worth a thousand words. Instagram is purely about sharing photos with your followers rather then uploading posts. Instagram is more popular now than it has ever been. This can be shown by their most recent statistic of having 1 billion active users, when only 2 years ago they had just under 500 million users active on the social media site. Ads on this platform are non-intrusive and less likely to annoy your target audience. The engagement rate on Instagram is higher than the engagement rate on any other social media site.
Although it's not as many as Facebook, the biggest age group that have an account on Instagram are 18-29 year olds at 59%. This is still the biggest amount in each age group, and therefore, this still matches our target age range for VET-MAN.
Similar to Facebook, most people use their smartphones to read their news, socialise or post their own stories and update their timelines. Most phones nowadays feature high-end camera that can shoot photographs to be immediately posted on Instagram. Anyone can be an amateur photographer, and Instagram is the best channel for this type of media. This is why most mobile users have Instagram accounts.
While conducting my research, I found that 75% of Instagram users take action after looking at an advertising post. This can include visiting the advertisers website. Instagram has new features that let marketers better engage with their audiences, and the platform is becoming increasingly loved by users and it's bringing new users on board all the time. These reasons alone make Instagram the platform for testing innovating marketing ideas. In addition to this, there are currently over 5 million business profiles on Instagram.
Additional Instagram advertising statistics include:
- 95 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram per day
- Currently, Instagram has 1 million monthly active advertisers - up from just 200,000 in March 2016
- eMarketer projects that Instagram's global mobile ad revenues will account for over 10% of Facebook's global ad revenues.
My thoughts:
These reasons above show that Instagram is a highly engaging social media platform that can help advertise our film. Like Facebook, it also mainly interests people of the 18-29 age group, and as this is also our age range for VET-MAN, will should be able to gain interest into the project from the right people.
As I believe that photos are the best way to engage with your target audience, it will be interesting to see what Twitters statistics are with photos, to see how they differ from Facebook and Instagram, as Twitter is primarily a site to express your feelings on rather than post photos.
Although it's not as big as Facebook and Instagram's age demographic, Twitter's biggest age range is 18-29 years old, with 36%. Shortly behind is 30-49 age group at 23%. This still proves that our target audience matches with Twitter's biggest age group. The most recent statistic from October 2018 states that the total amount of monthly users on the social media site are 326 million people, with 500 million tweets sent per day. Similar to both Facebook and Instagram, the percentage of users on mobile phones is very high at 80%. In addition to this, the sites mobile advertising revenue was 88% of the total advertising revenue. Most of the money that Twitter makes comes from the mobile users, this shows how high the amount of people on their phones really is.
Compared to Facebook the reach of Twitter Ads is weaker, but if you know your target audience and have a strong message then 310 million active users on Twitter is still a large audience to explore. As our target audience is the biggest age range on Twitter then we will have a good chance of advertising to a lot of people. It is also clear that there is value to be found in Twitter advertising, particularly for reaching mobile users.
My thoughts:
Our group have the ability to create a Facebook page and an Instagram page because we have a lot of evidence of working hard to create the film. Test shoot photos and photos of the owls we'll be using, photos of Alex writing the script and photos of Katie on the camera. We can promote these through a behind the scenes account to get people interested in VET-MAN. However, Twitter is based on thoughts and feelings and the audience don't engage as well with photos on the social media site because they have Instagram for that. Nevertheless, Twitters statistics are still high for our target audience age range, and we would interest a different group of people on this site. As a result of this, I have decided to advertise a different viewpoint on Twitter. Instead of a page dedicated to the making of the film, I will create a Twitter account for Tim Stewart himself, where our followers can keep up to date with his life, rather than our life in making the film.
Print ads
I thought I would research a different route other than social media to see if it was worth advertising on another platform. During my research, I found that a study from 2008 by the Journal of Research in Reading, discovered that reading online may not be as effective as reading prints. They came to this conclusion because when reading online, we have too many distractions. Usually you feel yourself drifting from reading articles to looking at videos, pop-up ads and clicking on other links. Print ads don't come with these distractions. Print can allow readers to properly absorb more of the information they see. This benefits advertisers that want customers actually paying attention to their ads.
Different print ads target a different group of people. For example, the magazine Cosmopolitan is targeted towards women between the ages of 18-35 so the advertisers look to sell feminine products in here, rather than online as this wouldn't be absorbed any better.
The older generation are more likely to be engaged by leaflets and posters because there are less of them on social media. This can be proved by my research into Facebook that the older the people in an age group, the lower the user numbers became. Although I only described this in the Facebook section, it was the same for both Instagram and Twitter.
We want to target 16-30 year olds with our film, but this group of people are unlikely to pick up a magazine, newspaper or leaflet. As a result of this, I need to think about the placement of the advert. They wouldn't be interested by someone giving out leaflets in the street or picking up a newspaper. However, a lot of young people can't drive, therefore they rely on public transport to get around. To back this up, I found a survey on (pictured below) which shows that the biggest percentage of 'always' get public transport came from 18-29 year olds at 19%. At the other end, this age range was so the smallest percentage to 'never' use public transport at 1%. This can show that young people are more likely to use public transport rather than not use it.
In order to carry out my market research, I first need to sort my short compelling sentence. I felt that our original top line would be appropriate:
Tim has always dreamed of becoming a vet, but after failing his degree, he resorts to illicit means to keep his dream alive.
This line introduces the idea surrounding the show - someone trying to be a vet, and we can guess that it's going to be disastrous - he resorts to illicit means to keep his dream a live. As this part poses as a cliffhanger at the end, it can engage the audience by them wondering what he'll really do to keep his dream alive.
As I have determined that our target age group is definitely 16-30 year olds, it's now time to work out the best platform for VET-MAN. To do this, I started by looking at social media. I researched into demographics for the three most popular sites in my opinion - Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. By doing this I was able to see what age groups used the apps more often.
From Facebook's own statistics, I found that in 2018 the highest number of users are 25 to 34 year olds, which were split equally between men and women with 5.6 million of each gender associated with the social media site. The age range before this, 18 to 24 year olds, weren't far behind at 3.8 million. The older the people in an age group, the lower the user numbers became. To look at it in another way, 88% of Facebook users are aged between 18-29 years old. Already, this can show that advertising on Facebook is a good step forward for our film because the age range from the biggest amount of users near enough matches our target age range.
When people think of Facebook, they think of accessing it on their computer or laptop. Facebook is used by 95.1% of people on their mobile devices, compared with only a 31.8% who use a laptop or computer. This is because people are able to use their phones wherever they are, and at any point in the day.
Now I have the biggest age range of users that are on Facebook, the next thing to look at was when the social media site was most popular during the day. This will help me decide when to upload my adverts and when to post on our VET-MAN page. I found that the highest amount of people of Facebook occurs mid-week between 1 - 3pm. In addition to this, I also found that a Facebook post at 7pm will result in more clicks on average than posing at 8pm. This means that I am more likely to reach more of my target audience at 1 - 3 o'clock in the afternoon, but I will engage with my target audience more at 7 o'clock in the evening. Another stat I found was that engagement is 18% higher on Thursdays and Fridays. I will be able to use this information to my advantage and plan when to update our page and post my adverts.
As well as these, I found a couple of demographics particularly focusing on advertising on Facebook. These included the following:
- Facebook has over 5 million advertisers as of 2017
- 93% of marketers use Facebook advertising regularly
- Images account for 75-90% of Facebook advertising effectivity and performance.
- 20% of Facebook's mobile ad revenue comes from Instagram
My thoughts:
After reading these I can see that Facebook is a good place to start advertising VET-MAN. It caters for our target audience age range and is easily accessible on any common device, particularly mobile phones which everyone has. In terms of what I will advertise, after reading the statistic of 'Images account for 75-90% of Facebook advertising effectivity and performance', I will opt for sharing photos rather than writing posts in order to engage more people. I now know when to post on the social media site - 1 to 3pm if I just want a view on the post but I need to post at 7pm if I want to engage with the target audience, and to get them to click on the page to investigate more into VET-MAN.
As the phrase states, a picture is worth a thousand words. Instagram is purely about sharing photos with your followers rather then uploading posts. Instagram is more popular now than it has ever been. This can be shown by their most recent statistic of having 1 billion active users, when only 2 years ago they had just under 500 million users active on the social media site. Ads on this platform are non-intrusive and less likely to annoy your target audience. The engagement rate on Instagram is higher than the engagement rate on any other social media site.
Although it's not as many as Facebook, the biggest age group that have an account on Instagram are 18-29 year olds at 59%. This is still the biggest amount in each age group, and therefore, this still matches our target age range for VET-MAN.
Similar to Facebook, most people use their smartphones to read their news, socialise or post their own stories and update their timelines. Most phones nowadays feature high-end camera that can shoot photographs to be immediately posted on Instagram. Anyone can be an amateur photographer, and Instagram is the best channel for this type of media. This is why most mobile users have Instagram accounts.
While conducting my research, I found that 75% of Instagram users take action after looking at an advertising post. This can include visiting the advertisers website. Instagram has new features that let marketers better engage with their audiences, and the platform is becoming increasingly loved by users and it's bringing new users on board all the time. These reasons alone make Instagram the platform for testing innovating marketing ideas. In addition to this, there are currently over 5 million business profiles on Instagram.
Additional Instagram advertising statistics include:
- 95 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram per day
- Currently, Instagram has 1 million monthly active advertisers - up from just 200,000 in March 2016
- eMarketer projects that Instagram's global mobile ad revenues will account for over 10% of Facebook's global ad revenues.
My thoughts:
These reasons above show that Instagram is a highly engaging social media platform that can help advertise our film. Like Facebook, it also mainly interests people of the 18-29 age group, and as this is also our age range for VET-MAN, will should be able to gain interest into the project from the right people.
As I believe that photos are the best way to engage with your target audience, it will be interesting to see what Twitters statistics are with photos, to see how they differ from Facebook and Instagram, as Twitter is primarily a site to express your feelings on rather than post photos.
Although it's not as big as Facebook and Instagram's age demographic, Twitter's biggest age range is 18-29 years old, with 36%. Shortly behind is 30-49 age group at 23%. This still proves that our target audience matches with Twitter's biggest age group. The most recent statistic from October 2018 states that the total amount of monthly users on the social media site are 326 million people, with 500 million tweets sent per day. Similar to both Facebook and Instagram, the percentage of users on mobile phones is very high at 80%. In addition to this, the sites mobile advertising revenue was 88% of the total advertising revenue. Most of the money that Twitter makes comes from the mobile users, this shows how high the amount of people on their phones really is.
Compared to Facebook the reach of Twitter Ads is weaker, but if you know your target audience and have a strong message then 310 million active users on Twitter is still a large audience to explore. As our target audience is the biggest age range on Twitter then we will have a good chance of advertising to a lot of people. It is also clear that there is value to be found in Twitter advertising, particularly for reaching mobile users.
My thoughts:
Our group have the ability to create a Facebook page and an Instagram page because we have a lot of evidence of working hard to create the film. Test shoot photos and photos of the owls we'll be using, photos of Alex writing the script and photos of Katie on the camera. We can promote these through a behind the scenes account to get people interested in VET-MAN. However, Twitter is based on thoughts and feelings and the audience don't engage as well with photos on the social media site because they have Instagram for that. Nevertheless, Twitters statistics are still high for our target audience age range, and we would interest a different group of people on this site. As a result of this, I have decided to advertise a different viewpoint on Twitter. Instead of a page dedicated to the making of the film, I will create a Twitter account for Tim Stewart himself, where our followers can keep up to date with his life, rather than our life in making the film.
Print ads
I thought I would research a different route other than social media to see if it was worth advertising on another platform. During my research, I found that a study from 2008 by the Journal of Research in Reading, discovered that reading online may not be as effective as reading prints. They came to this conclusion because when reading online, we have too many distractions. Usually you feel yourself drifting from reading articles to looking at videos, pop-up ads and clicking on other links. Print ads don't come with these distractions. Print can allow readers to properly absorb more of the information they see. This benefits advertisers that want customers actually paying attention to their ads.
Different print ads target a different group of people. For example, the magazine Cosmopolitan is targeted towards women between the ages of 18-35 so the advertisers look to sell feminine products in here, rather than online as this wouldn't be absorbed any better.
The older generation are more likely to be engaged by leaflets and posters because there are less of them on social media. This can be proved by my research into Facebook that the older the people in an age group, the lower the user numbers became. Although I only described this in the Facebook section, it was the same for both Instagram and Twitter.
We want to target 16-30 year olds with our film, but this group of people are unlikely to pick up a magazine, newspaper or leaflet. As a result of this, I need to think about the placement of the advert. They wouldn't be interested by someone giving out leaflets in the street or picking up a newspaper. However, a lot of young people can't drive, therefore they rely on public transport to get around. To back this up, I found a survey on (pictured below) which shows that the biggest percentage of 'always' get public transport came from 18-29 year olds at 19%. At the other end, this age range was so the smallest percentage to 'never' use public transport at 1%. This can show that young people are more likely to use public transport rather than not use it.
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Survey from |
My thoughts:
I feel that creating a print ad is worth it for our target audience as long as the placement is relevant. This is why advertising on public transport is a good idea because as I found the majority of people who get public transport are the same age group as our target audience. As I am advertising on social media by creating new accounts and pages, it wouldn't be worth making posters to put on here because I'll be advertising two different ways but to the same audience. Because of this reason, my poster design had to go elsewhere and hypothetically putting them on tubes and buses seemed like the most logical idea.
Now I have established who our target audience are and different ways in which I can show off our film to the public. I can now start creating the adverts. From my market research, I have decided that I will be advertising on Facebook, Instagram and by using print ads on public transport. I wasn't going to advertise on Twitter because I wanted our promotions to be mainly visual based. However, I have decided to go down the different route of advertising the show through Tim's perspective rather than a behind the scenes approach. I found that Twitter was the best way to do this because I can express Tim's thoughts and feelings and get our target audience interested into the character. I can also give our target audience a view into Tim's life, maybe things they wouldn't have got from the film itself.
I started the advertising on Facebook by creating a page called VET-MAN.
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Our Facebook page |
Once this was up and running, I advertised it on my own Facebook account. I had a couple of people share it who aren't involved in our course, so this means that it then went out to even more viewers who I am not connected with. The people who shared it are around my age, therefore they will have people on their Facebook that are also in this age range, who are our target audience.
For both Facebook and Instagram you can refine accounts to target particular audiences. Demographic based targeting, interest based targeting and behaviour based targeting. Demographic allows you to refine the target audience to a specific age range and gender. Interest allows you target people with specific interests. This is a good way to target people on Facebook because the interest can be determined by the pages they've liked and apps they've used. Finally, behaviour allows you to target people by their purchase history, events they've liked and devices they use.
I was able to refine our Facebook audience age and location first, and then I could define the reach by demographic, interest and behaviour, shown in the first photo below. Out of the options I chose comedy film and tv comedies. Due to my previous research and how popular Facebook is for people on mobile devises so I also narrowed it down in terms of this.
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Refining the target reach for our Facebook page |
I started by uploading a couple of posts so the people who look at it have a little insight into what we are doing. As you can see from the third photo above, within 12 hours the first post had reached 5 people and the second had reached 6 people. These 11 people have most likely liked comedy films and TV comedies in the past on their accounts. They are also probably between the age range of 16-35, from England and look at Facebook on their phones the most of the time. This is because these are the refinements I made previously.
Instagram was the second account I made. Again, I took a behind the scenes approach to this page. This was because we have a lot of photos of evidence of test shoots and us doing all the elements in order to make the film, I wanted a page to display just these photos. Facebook allows me to write posts as well as share photos but Instagram connects with people that are purely visual based.
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Our Instagram page |
This is a good way to group together all our photos during the pre-production stage of our film. I tried to use photos that would interest our audience, such as the one with the owl. This will then give off the idea that our vet is using real animals and should increase the believability of it. I urged as many people as I could to follow the vetman_film account and like the posts because other people that they know will be able to see the likes and comments through the activity page on Instagram.
As a result of Twitter being suitable for our target audience. I decided advertising on there would be a good idea. However, instead of taking the behind the scenes approach, I would make the Twitter account for Tim. This can advertise a different view of the project. I could go in depth on Tim’s life after University and write it similarly to young people nowadays on Twitter.
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Tim's Twitter page |
I was able to personalise the Twitter for Tim, for example on the bottom right hand corner of the photo above, I made a ‘bio’ for him, to explain to his followers who he was. I said “Just graduated from the Royal Veterinary College. Currently working as a mobile vet. Contact me for all your vet needs.” I made the tweets sound as if they were coming from another person, and to make them up I thought about what Tim might say. As a mobile vet he would talk about the Vet Van so I had to create something about that. As this is set before anything goes wrong in the film, I acted very positive of the whole idea, later on I could start making our followers think that Tim isn’t having an easy time.
In addition to actually creating the adverts, I looked into different tips in order to help me excel within my advertising:
Spell check: Spelling is very important, as nothing puts the audience off more than a dead link or a typo. If something is spelt wrong then the audience will believe our film is a student project, which we don't want them to think. We will aim for our work to be as polished as possible so it doesn't look like a student project. I will proof read everything I advertise and everything I write in the package, in order to keep my work professional.
Short titles and hashtags: Titles of articles should be short and snappy to get peoples attention. Hashtags are also good to help show new people your information. For example, if you hashtag student film (#studentfilm) then the information you've posted with this hashtag will also be shown on another page with other posts with the same hashtag. Therefore, someone might be looking through #studentfilm and then yours may come up for them to see. This increases the amount of people seeing it as it'll be shown to more people than who you're connected with on the social media site. The hashtag helps increase the effectiveness of the post. I will hashtag different things on the vetman_films Instagram page, with the hopes of people seeing it via the different hashtags.
The first photo below shows the #studentfilm example, but the second photo below is an example of the #vetman hashtag I have also been using. As it is shown in that photo, along with my posts (outlined in red), there are others which also have the #vetman. These are posts of animals and Noel Fitzpatrick, the Supervet, this was inevitable because the posts and the hashtag are related to the word 'vet'. They all come together on the same page because they all have the same hashtag.
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Example of our posts appearing with other posts with the same hashtag (our posts are outlined in red) |
Getting your team engaged: Get your team involved with the campaigns through their own social media. Two pairs of eyes are better than one. This is something we have already done in our group. I created the GoFundMe page and once I had shared it Katie and Alex had also shared it to advertise it to a larger group of people. As we are all from different areas of Kent, by sharing it on each of our own social media sites, we are sending it out a different set of people. This is the same for the Facebook page and Instagram account, anything I post Alex and Katie can 'like' or 'comment' on it, and then the people they have on their sites, who I don't know, will see the advertisement that I made.
Print ads
Print ads
The thing that made me think of public transport to start with was that buses and tubes are always covered in posters and adverts. As I have now justified the biggest age group of people who are more likely to use public transport are the same age group that we want to target, putting posters and adverts on buses and tubes may be a good idea, in order to attract the attention from the correct group of people. However, to actually put adverts on buses and tubes will be too expensive and our low-budget wouldn't allow it. Instead of doing this, I have created an example poster which hypothetically would be put up inside tubes and buses:
I created the first poster and I was happy with what was written on it. However, it didn't really stand out. I had someone else's opinion on it as well and they also said it didn't stand out. As a result of this, I decided to reverse the colours, so there is a black background with white writing. The white writing will stand out really well against the black and may stand out better than the black writing on white. I kept with our colour scheme - white, black and red. This was so our branding matches throughout the project.
The black poster stands out a lot more than the white one did. To keep the colours I made VET-MAN red rather than white and made the star rating red as well. The red is essential within our branding as it can stand for the blood in our dark comedy. In amongst the standard white posters inside tubes and buses, I believe that this will stand out over the others and it should be noticed by a large amount of the public and our age group.
I could put leaflets in local places where young people would go, such as the UCA campus and my place of work but I have used these for my fundraising attempts. I will keep these separate to prevent repeating myself.
I created the first poster and I was happy with what was written on it. However, it didn't really stand out. I had someone else's opinion on it as well and they also said it didn't stand out. As a result of this, I decided to reverse the colours, so there is a black background with white writing. The white writing will stand out really well against the black and may stand out better than the black writing on white. I kept with our colour scheme - white, black and red. This was so our branding matches throughout the project.
The black poster stands out a lot more than the white one did. To keep the colours I made VET-MAN red rather than white and made the star rating red as well. The red is essential within our branding as it can stand for the blood in our dark comedy. In amongst the standard white posters inside tubes and buses, I believe that this will stand out over the others and it should be noticed by a large amount of the public and our age group.
I could put leaflets in local places where young people would go, such as the UCA campus and my place of work but I have used these for my fundraising attempts. I will keep these separate to prevent repeating myself.
- Grove, E. (2013). 16 Big Marketing Ideas For Filmmakers On A Small Budget. Available: Last accessed 13th Nov 2018.
- Lake, L. (2018). The Differences Between Marketing and Advertising.Available: Last accessed 10th Nov 2018.
- Grove, E. (2013). 16 Big Marketing Ideas For Filmmakers On A Small Budget. Available: Last accessed 13th Nov 2018.
- Lake, L. (2018). The Differences Between Marketing and Advertising.Available: Last accessed 10th Nov 2018.
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