Sunday 18 September 2016


Initial Ideas
'The Meeting'

When I read about the idea of 'The Meeting' I initially thought of 
- Office meeting
- Job interview
- Meeting long lost family member
- Confrontation between two people
- Policeman to criminal

That evening I asked my mum what the new series she was watching was about and she said it was called The Fall and was about a serial killer who started helping on a case about a murder that he committed to eliminate himself from the enquiries. Hearing this I thought it would be the perfect meeting between the detective and the murderer when he approaches her to help with the case. I think this will be a challenging, yet, interesting idea and will create a fantastic drama for my first unit of the course, that is if i follow through with this idea and if all goes to plan. 

Character 1 - Murderer 
Character 2 - Detective
Location - Room in a police station

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