Friday 30 September 2016

STORYTELLING: 25 Word Pitch - Feedback

Today was the deadline for our 25 word pitch and we received feedback from Simon and the rest of the group. I was really nervous to present mine because I wasn't sure if the others would like my idea and or if it made sense. 

This is the feedback I received:

- Rework pitch as it is a bit wordy
- Maybe flip idea? Women as the Killer?
- Watch Dexter, Lucifer and Luther as they all relate
- Who are the characters? Know them more
- Who, what and why?
- It is more of a plot, than telling the whole story. Add a better beginning and end. 

I found all this feedback very useful and I will be reworking the pitch and I will explain the characters better, such as why Joseph is the way he is. 

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