Wednesday, 28 March 2018

'AS LIVE' PRODUCTION: Development & Finalising the VTs

After rehearsing and being over on time for all three rehearsals, Katie and I decided to cut the teaser in half. This saves time and usually shows don't preview all the segments in a show at one time. We decided to keep Styles of the Season and Old to new in the teaser and briefly mention the mystery guest. We also changed the 'Still to Come', 'Styles of the Seaon', 'Old to New' and 'Mystery Guest' font to Avenir Next - the same font as the logo and lower thirds to keep the style throughout all VT's. I liaised with Drey (editor of the teaser) and Simon (graphics) for this and they were happy to make the change.

Final teaser:

The teaser flowed with the tone of our show with the orange background and I think it successfully teases important parts of the show. 

VT 1 feedback & development:
Presenter Challenge

Rough cut:

This rough cut consist on only the first half.

- I liked the sting place holders, however, these didn't fit with our colour theme and as Simon was making them, he should continue and make the stings so they flow with the other work he has produced. Therefore, we took this sting out and Simon created a new one.

- Helen fed back that some shots should be re-shot. Katie and I agreed with this, as it's a challenge and it doesn't really feel like one. We needed more shots of Alfie going in and out of shops, this can also build pressure to find an outfit.

- This first VT seemed quite slow, Katie and I fed back that maybe the shots could be cut quicker and bits could be sped up more - keeping the VT interesting.

Final cut:

- After the re-shoot the footage looks a lot better. I like how they have sped up the parts with Alfie walking to make them quicker and more interesting than just watching him walk away.

- The extra shots of Alfie walking in and out of shops and searching around the shops has successfully added more pressure to the challenge, and it's more interesting overall. 

- The VT was slightly shorter than 2 minutes meaning we had a few more seconds for studio time.

VT 2 feedback & development:
Fashion Fails

Rough cut:

- After watching all VT's at the same volume level I realised the voice over in the Fashion Fails VT was very quiet, I told the editor of the VT, Aimee, about the problem and she fixed it straight away.

- Del said that there should be no 'cut to blacks' during or at the end of the VTs. 

- Colour correction still to be completed. 

Final cut:

- We have decided to keep each lower third featured in each VT's static to match the lower third in the studio. Unfortunately, we cannot have them animated because the graphics machine is too slow, and the animation just judders across the screen, therefore, the graphics actually look more professional as stills. 

- The final Fashion Fails VT was cut better and flowed well between the two contributors. I like how they got a professional involved to give his thoughts as it's his specialism. It's also beneficial for the audience if they ever find themselves with the same problem.

- The volume level of the initial voice over is a lot better and matches the rest of the VT.

- They cut out the cut to black which helps the end of the VT flow into the studio well.

- In a previous meeting (see Progress Meeting post), the VT team were also going to include a '5 ways to prevent this happening to you' section. They didn't do this in the end, but I don't think it needed it, the VT is fine as it is and we would have to cut a lot of information if we wanted to add in an additional section in the 2 minutes. 

- All the information said is appropriate and fits with our questions, and the VT fits with the Fashion Fails segment.

VT 3 feedback & development:
Old to New

Rough cut:

- During the last VT screening with Helen, she recommended Alex H changing the fonts in the Old to New VT as they didn't show off the idea of different eras well. He changed these and they look a lot better and suit the aim of the video more.

- The price and shop labels still need to be included.

- The transitions from era to era need to be more prominent so it's clear to see what era we're in.

Final cut:

- The new fonts look really good and suit the tone of the VT about the different eras.

- The editing is really good on this VT, especially towards the end - the flashing of the shots really suit the particular eras, and flash in time with the music.

- I like how this VT is very different to the others, gives the show a bit of a break from a lot of fashion information.

VT 4 feedback & development:

Rough cut:


- Alex H edited the DIY video, he showed us developments as he went. I asked if he could include more of the actual making of the top rather than watching her talk as the point of the VT is Bonnie showing us how to make a top. Alex made the changes and it looks a lot better. With this information, I was able to make the studio interview and questions related more towards her business and online Vs high street (as well as talking about her clothes). 

- On the final VT's Alex H came up with a good point - as the vision mixer he needs a few seconds at the end of the video to be able to mix into the studio. If the time isn't long enough the VT may cut to black before he has mixed on the vision desk and this will look very scruffy. All the VT's now have a few extra seconds for mixing time.

- We suggested adding a voice over to guide the audience within the story.

- There were no lower thirds during this VT, we will be having Bonnie in the studio and she'll have a lower third on the screen, but to stay consistent throughout all VTs, we suggested they add in a lower third and well add another during the studio interview.  

Final cut:


- My initial idea of this VT was that we were going to have a quick step-by-step guide in how to make a vest top. This VT doesn't show an actual guide on how to make the top but I like how much we can see of her making the top compared with her taking about her story.

General notes on VT's:
- During the last rehearsal day, Del said to me that the VT's and teaser shouldn't fade to black, I fed this back to the editors and they added the few extra seconds of the last shot instead so Alex's had time to hold the shot and mix on the vision desk, without it going to black.

- Jemma asked if the VT's could end on a multiple of 5 to make their counts easier, to do this the VT editors had to cut or extend their videos to make them end on a multiple of 5, to do this in the Styles of the Season VT (presenter challenge) we cut out a line at the end where Alfie mentions Adeline again, as we already know who he is buying the clothes for.

- I made sure that all the logos matched at the end of the trailer and the title sequence, I also made sure the set design team had the final logo as it's going on the side of the set - this makes sure the style and tone are consistent throughout the show.

Two days before the TX day, I looked through all four VT's and the teaser to check they had everything they needed. As producer, even though I am not making the VTs and teaser myself, I am responsible for everyone and what is said on the films. If they say something offensive or swear - I am responsible. This is why I made time to watch the VT's and green light them before they went onto the system in the gallery ready for the show. 

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