Wednesday, 14 March 2018

'AS LIVE' PRODUCTION: Set Design Changes

While the set design team visited the studios, we talked through a few things with them about the set. We agreed to put in a secret door so we've got two entrances / exits and we agreed where the step coming down off the catwalk will be. This will be at the right hand side of the catwalk (as if you're looking at it) so the presenters will be facing the audience when walking down, if it was the other side they would have their backs to the audience for a brief moment. 

Set development from design team

Katie and I agreed on a flower / plant wall with the design team. I think this decoration might be on the wall parallel to the back wall for the entrance / exit - but I will get this confirmed. The rest of the walls should be a white brick effect and the bottom and sides of the catwalk will also match the walls with the brick. We've also got a nice sized platform behind the catwalk for the presenters and contributors to stand on before they come out onto the catwalk. 

We agreed the catwalk being about a step high so stairs will not be necessary and the presenters and contributors just have to step down one step to get off the catwalk.

Now we have the basic set sorted, we can get the measurements and then the directors can send off the plan to the lighting crew, who are coming in to help us for the show. I am looking forward to seeing their colour designs and seeing what they look like on this set. 

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