Rehearsal 1 |
Rehearsal 1 |
One of the first things we realised when we taped it out was that we made it slightly too small. When the presenters stood in the hard area, they were nearly standing on the catwalk, which on the day will be a higher platform. Therefore, we have learnt for next week to make the set bigger. We had also set it too far back as there wasn't any room behind the set and there would ideally be more room behind the catwalk for the presenters to stand and have room to step up onto the catwalk when they start the show.
Katie and I completely forgot about people standing in for the presenters and guests, therefore we had to grab people who weren't involved in todays rehearsal - Andrew and Josh.
We got through a couple of pages in the morning with George being the director and then in the afternoon we started the section half with Gavin being the director. I was out on the floor for the majority of the morning, overseeing the production, answering questions from the crew and talking to set design. In the afternoon, I spent the time watching the show from the gallery. It looked completely different through the cameras and the transmission shots looked really good following the directors calls.
Camera shots from the gallery |
I was very nervous to see how it worked out and if there needed to be any big changes. It went really well in the end, we all learn a lot and it took a while for everyone to get used to their roles but by the end, everything seemed easier. Hopefully next week we can all get back into it with no problems.
Set design visit
We had the set design team to visit during the rehearsal, this was good timing as they could see what we wanted by the mock up set. When they arrived, Katie and I briefed them again and explained that the set we had on the floor was the layout that we wanted. They mentioned that last year the set was on the back wall rather than the side and we explained that we thought it would be wider than this but surprised ourselves when we set it up, and that we were happy for it to go on the back wall. The set design team had enough time to wander around the mock up set and get a feel of the layout. They all seemed very enthusiastic and asked a lot of questions about what we wanted in the set.
They remembered from the original pitch that we wanted the homely feel and to feature plants. They recommended having a rug or carpet in the sofa area to give the homely feel, and they suggested a plant wall, where the effect is plants growing up the wall - this would break up the white brick walls:
Example of plant wall - Google Images |
Katie and I both liked this idea and the design team said they would give us a few examples for us to see.
They also remembered we wanted a wall at the back for a secret door, we'll have a door at the back of the catwalk but we ideally want another one because the guests don't always walk down the catwalk. They said they would include the secret door in their designs so we could see what that would look like - as we were unsure about having the wall in front with the catwalk possibly being in the way. The other option was to have a doorway cut out the back wall but putting a wall in behind so the guests could come through the side and then appear in the doorway - this would also give the set a bit of depth, I liked this idea as we still get our doorway but there's nothing taking up the hard area.
Reflection on rehearsal 1:
- I know to place the set further forward next week so there is plenty of room behind, I will also make it bigger for a better size for the hard area.
- I realised it takes a while to get equipment ready so by the time the different software in the gallery, mic's were set up and cameras were ready we had wasted a lot of rehearsal time in the morning. Katie and I must get everyone in earlier to sort these problems out, we need to anticipate problems and be ready for them rather than struggle with the problems when they happen. We also need to hurry people up otherwise they will dawdle and take a while to set up, we need to imagine that this is the live show and were going live in 15 minutes.
- We agreed with the set design team to have the set on the back wall rather than the side. I originally wanted it at the side because we pictured a wide set, but once it was set up it wasn't as wide as what I thought it would be, therefore, it will fit at the back and then we've got more depth to fit in the cameras and audience.
- Katie and I will get contributors to stand in for rehearsal 2 next week, and not leave it till on the day.
- Katie, George and I finished our parts of the script the night before and I printed mine out that night, however, Gavin did his parts the morning of the rehearsal so a few of us had different scripts, which was a bit confusing. Next week I will make sure everyone has finished their part before the rehearsal day so everyone will print out the same copy.
- Katie and I will make sure the running order matches the script - as sections that were scheduled for 10 seconds we made a conversation out of it so the dialogue was longer than 10 seconds. Del said dialogue cannot be timed, we can't cut people off just because they've gone over the running order times. To fix this, the running order must not be too timed - we time a segment and the content must happen in this time, rather than timing every movement / dialogue.
- Google Images:
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