Casting is essential for our mockumentary because we want it to be funny, the actors will place a massive part in the humour and how they play the role. Alex created character profiles on how he imagined our cast to resemble.
Character profiles:
We are looking for a male aged between 25 and 40 to play Dr. Tim Stewart, a person of any age and gender to play his receptionist, and a women aged between 50 and 75 to play a pet owner seeking treatment. We are also looking for a female voiceover artist to provide narration for the film.
Alex imagined the lines of Dr Stewart being delivered in a dead-pan manner to add humour to the piece.
We have all worked with Aidan before and we think he would be suitable to portray the vet as confident yet incompetent. We will ensure Aidan dresses in smart clothing, and we'll give him glasses, a stethoscope and scrubs and gloves to make him more believable as our vet.
Vet surgen - Dr Stewart
Aidan Robinson-Jones
We cast Samantha as the dog owner as she is at the younger end of this age bracket and is very lovable with animals. This helps within her role of the dog owner and will need a good level of trust with the animal. She seems very caring and seems perfect as the innocent animal owner in our mockumentary.
We will ensure Sheila is wearing her normal clothes to portray the look of an ordinary pet owner. We will get her to bring spare clothing for her interview, the shots with Coco in the park, and for after the surgery.
Animal owner - Sheila
Samantha Joslin
Lastly, it was essential that we had an animal involved to visit the vets. We'll use Alex's dog Coco. This seemed appropriate as she has a good bond with Alex so should feel comfortable around us with him being there as well. She is also a very well behaved dog and obeys commands, this should make the usual struggle of working with animals slightly easier.
Coco, the chocolate labrador
Alex decided to cut out the receptionist as they weren't an important part of the mockumentary, and we may rarely even see the receptionist area in the film. Therefore, we didn't need to cast anyone for this role.
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